It is super easy to plant and propagate. Just take a cutting and stick into the soil. Water daily and soon you will get to harvest lots and lots of mulberry. It’s best to get cuttings which are slightly green.
As it grows bigger and older, it is very important to keep pruning the plant as it only bears fruit after pruning. Once harvested, it’s best to prune the plant to ensure it’s always healthy and keeps bearing fruits. Soon later, your plant will become a tree just like mine.
After pruning, new shoots will emerge within a week and grow very fast and with it bears lots of fruits. In a month’s time, it will be very bushy and fruits will be ripe to harvest. I usually pluck the dark red ones as they are riper and the sweetest.
The mulberry can be planted in a pot but it’s best to be grounded as it will be able to grow faster and bigger and capable of bearing huge and juicy fruits.
Just 5 minutes of harvesting is more than enough for a nice snack. I hope everyone will give it a try. Easy to plant and it is a hardy plant that does not need much attention apart from the usual pruning after fruiting.
The leaves can also be dried to make tea. It is a very healthy drink and used by many Asians as a traditional cure for diabetes.