My little “outdoor pantry” in my little tropical balcony

I started planting vegetables & herbs – basically edibles maybe 12 years ago in my balcony in Malaysia, and have enjoyed being able to walk out into the balcony, look at the “available edibles” that I could select to add to my meal whenever the refrigerator is low on vegetables.

However these past 7 months, I’d go out in the mornings and thank the Lord Jesus for my little “outdoor pantry” in my little balcony, for God’s provision of “supplemental vegetables”.

We went through our 1st MCO (similar to a lockdown), and although prior to the implementation we had time to stock up, yet because the MCO stretched from 2 weeks to months, being able to have supplemental vegetables is something I thank God regularly.

Many people are realising the benefits of growing their own vegetables or herbs (edibles) and even fruits. Well, with only a balcony it may be of a little constraint, but I have friends who have grown pineapples and figs in whatever space they have. All you need is effort and a change in mind-set, and most importantly realising what God has said in His Word about mankind’s role as steward of the earth; and give your gardening efforts unto God as a offering set apart for His glory and trusting Him to bless, flourish and protect your efforts.

So here’s my Bitter Gourd plant. May this inspire you to take the step of faith to grow your own vegetables and/or fruits.