About Us

Welcome to GardenSolarHome, your source for many things relating to gardens, solar and outdoor living.

We are dedicated to giving you the best selection of products which are essential, practical, and interesting.

Ever since the creation of the earth, the garden has been the domain where mankind was designed to thrive. God planted a garden in Eden and put Adam there to tend and keep it.

Each one of us has a garden that we need to tend and keep, whether it is our backyard, balcony, or farm. During this current environment, more of us have found it necessary to work from home and become more self-sufficient. Hence more people have started to tend and keep their gardens by planting herbs, vegetables and fruits for personal consumption and sharing with neighbors etc.

In our own personal effort of tending and keeping my garden, we have searched and discovered tools and gadgets that are essential, practical, and interesting. This online store is a collection of those tools and gadgets to provide a single source for those who, likewise, must tend and keep their gardens.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our selection and look forward to your support.


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